Welcome Michelle and Nila!
It was lovely to make your acquaintance yesterday! This is where you’ll find all the information that you need to keep up with your lessons during the week. For both of you, this link will be full of resources to help you to practice at home:
We worked on soft belly inhalation and firm belly phonation. Practice keeping your sternum gently lifted throughout the breath, in and out. You will get a chance to incorporate both of these things in your Mee Meh Mah Moh Moo exercise. You’ll be able to find a link to a recording of me playing this exercise on the piano to use for home practice in the dropbox folder. It will have your name on it!
You are also going to listen to recordings of Once I Loved (O Amor en Paz). The sheet music for this piece is in the dropbox folder for you!
Bring a notebook to your next lesson so that we can keep track of your progress and assignments!
Hi Nila! We are working on Alouette and the hand signs for the first five notes of the major scale – Do, Re, Mi, Fa and So. A diagram of the hand signs can be found in the dropbox folder.
Also, you should pick up the Full Voice Workbook, introductory level. It can be picked up at Long and McQuade music, St. John’s Music, Reminyi Music or online at the Full Voice website, or via Amazon.
At our next lesson, we will begin working on Alouette. The music can be found in the dropbox folder.
Bring a notebook to your next lesson so that we can keep track of your progress and assignments!
Great work, everyone!