Eliana should practice 4-5 times per week for 30-45 mins per session.
Fur Elise
- Like how we played in class, work on the phrasing theme B and C
- Start increasing overall tempo
Song of the Cavalry
- Polish up bar 36-41 with the correct L.H. articulation (be mindful of not playing staccatos like short slurs), and catch up to tempo with the rest of the piece
- A little extra “push” on the accented notes
Hungarian Dance
- Learn the first page, R.H. only
Anastasiya should practice 4-5 times per week for 15-20 mins per session.
The Bubble
- Practice and review what we learned in class (up to the marked spot)
Theory Book
- Make sure we bring this book to every lesson!
Vivienne should practice 4-5 times per week for 15-20 mins per session.
Maple Leaf Rag
- ALWAYS play at a moderate tempo, be mindful of your L.H. bass note/chord alternating pattern in the middle of 2nd page
Betty Ragtime
- Keep practicing the first section hands separately, and hands together for the first 2 lines
Chantal should practice 4-5 times per week at 15 – 20 mins per session
A Dozen A day
- Weekly assigned exercises
O Canada
- Keep working on the first 4 lines hands together until we can play it fluently, then add a few more bars
When the Saints go Marching In
- Work on the accuracy of notes in the R.H., and play all notes on time (2nd page) without stops
Alyssa should practice 4-5 times per week at 30 mins – 1 hr per session.
- Use the correct fingering, play with accuracy, and clarity on everything with the metronome
- Keep your knuckles and fingers up
You and I
- Accuracy and fluency of notes, and try to voice the top note of all chords
In Church
- Focus on the 2nd half of the piece, with the suggested and written fingerings on all chords, played legato – work on few bars at a time
Stand by Me
- Polish and perfect the rhythm in bars marked with a star
Calypso Carnival
- Practice and review both hands separately
Claire should practice 4-5 times per week at 15 – 30 mins per session.
- Like how we worked on in class, work on pedaling, voicing (first 2 pages), breathing/phrasing (3rd page), keeping the L.H. quiet on the 4th page, and overall dynamic changes
New Piece
- Learn the whole piece hands separately
Turkish March
- Musicality – the hidden ‘crescendos/decrescendos’ and ‘accents’ we discussed in class to use for phrasing
- Learn and practice to the end of 3rd page
Pathetique 2nd movement
- Voicing – consistency and musical phrasing (with a little ‘rubato’)
- 2nd page – keep L.H. chords quiet with a tapping touching in your fingers