Eliana should practice 4-5 times per week for 30-45 mins per session.
- Articulation -> staccato playing on the 8th note chords; play to imitate the witch with “darkness”, and play VERY soft on p and pp.
- Phrasing – crescendo and decrescendo imitating the flight of the witch
- R.H – be more accurate on the triplet 8ths rhythm, and be mindful of the quarter notes following the 8ths
- L.H – work on the notes and fluency
Sunset in Rio
- Keep the staccatos lively and light. Give enough room in each phrase to expand from beginning to climax/ p to f.
- Hands together up to the repeat sign with accurate articulation
Anastasia should practice 4-5 times per week for 15-20 mins per session.
- Do exercise No. 1-7 -> keep your eyes on the music as you play (looking at the direction of the notes, steps, skips, jumps), and count the rhythm.
Forest Drums
- Work on L.H. and R.H. separately, especially the R.H. part as it has more notes.
Theory Book
- Practice writing the treble clef, and writing middle C and D in the treble clef on the assigned page.
Vivienne should practice 4-5 times per week for 15-20 mins per session.
Maple Leaf Rag
- Work on the R.H. alone until the end of page 2, and add 2 more bars playing hands together (up to the top of page 2).
Chantal should practice 4-5 times per week at 15 – 20 mins per session
A Dozen A day
- Review and perfect our old and new exercises from A Dozen A Day.
Grumpy Old Troll
- We didn’t have time to go through the piece together in class, but do try and learn the notes hands separately for next class!
Happy Birthday
- Great work learning this on your own! Work on what we corrected in the L.H., and the added introduction to this piece!
Alyssa should practice 4-5 times per week at 30 mins – 1 hr per session.
- Work on F minor harmonic/melodic scales with the correct fingering. For all scales, chords, and arpeggios, practice with metronome at the required tempo with finger accuracy and clarity.
Sonatina in F
- Stay at the current tempo (80) until we can play comfortably, and polish up and maintain the correct articulation and phrasing.
- Both of your etude pieces are really happy and lively pieces – like how we worked on in class, express this in your playing with dynamic changes and phrasing.
Maria should practice 4-5 times per week at 15-20 mins per session.
O Susanna
- We are getting very close to finish the piece! Keep working on the first half hands together, and start working on the rest of the piece hands together with repeat and octave change!
Claire should practice 4-5 times per week at 15 – 30 mins per session.
- Play with dynamic changes – show a big difference between p and f like how we played the previous piece! Also, start playing faster to the required tempo
- Work on the R.H. part alone until the end of the piece – look out for the finger changes
Anna should practice 4-5 times per week at 20 – 40 mins per session.
- Keep working on this piece hands together, and work on R.H. melody alone with singing-like phrasing!
- Work on moving fast jumping between the chords on top of page 2 – use the quarter rest to your advantage.
- Add the pedal to this piece ( pedal after the first note of every bar). Like the etude piece, “sing” your melody to phrase the piece.