
Warm up : C, G, D 5 finger scales and chords

Review : Misty morning – be sure to remember your stops

Balloon man – with singing along!

New : Indian drums – G position

On the 2nd base – call the names of the notes as you play them

(practice time : 10 minutes a day)


Warm up : C, G, D and A major scales and triads

Review : Sword dance – D minor position

By memory : Erie canal

New : Ice cream – C position

(practice time : 15 minutes a day)


Warm up : C, G, D major scales and triads

In progress : Malaguena – focus on the middle part

New : Storm on Saturn – have both hands position ready (whole tone scale)

By memory : Th dance of the Irish

(practice time : 20 minutes a day)


Warm up : C, G, D, A, E major scales and triads

In progress : Spanish Caballero – work on the new ending : E /A arpeggios

New : Birch tree – HS/HT

(practice time : 20 minutes a day)


Warm up : scales C, G, D, A and E major , parallel and contrary motion

In progress : Olympic procession- memorize chords /LH 2nd page add pedal

By memory : Howl to the moon

Review : All I have to do is dream – keep slower tempo

(practice time : 20 minutes a day)


Warm up: scales C, G, D, A and E major and chords

Review : Overture – work on the 2nd page last section

By memory : In the Hall of the mountain King

(practice time : 20 minutes a day)