Recommended minutes to practice: 20 minutes a day
What to practice: Practice switching between C and Am. Secondly practice your C major scale in 2nd position. Thirdly, practice that right hand technique on Thinking Out Loud. Also review the first few pages of the Hal Leonard Book.
How to practice it most effectively: Practice everything slowly and try to relax all your muscles, no need to put excessive pressure on the strings.
Recommended minutes to practice: 20 minutes a day
What to practice: Practice your major scale in thirds. Also practice the two chords for Good 4 U which is F#min and E major. Also make sure you can play that rhythm for Havana spot on.
How to practice it most effectively: Play everything slowly and make sure you get in down to perfection. We will go over how to practice with a metronome.
Recommended minutes to practice: 15 minutes a day
What to practice: Try playing stand by me with your sister and get the strumming pattern really comfortable. Also practice the first 5 notes of the major scale, you can also play this with your sister if you need help.
How to practice it most effectively: Playing with your sister will help your playing a lot and jamming is super fun.
Recommended minutes to practice: 30 minutes a day
What to practice: Practice the chords for don’t stop me now and we’ll look at the melody. Also keep doing the warm ups as well as practicing your major scales. Also I want to hear you lift the chords for House Of The Rising Sun.
How to practice it most effectively: Listen to the tune a lot and you can use the youtube recording to slow down the song and get each note.
Isaac Smith
Recommended minutes to practice: 15 minutes a day
What to practice: Next week I want to hear Banana Pancakes, as well as hear how far you’ve come with the Wish You Were Here Solo. Also we will continue talking about your original song next week and maybe some choices for strumming patterns for the verse. We can also talk about lyrical direction, we will definitely work on this more in person and we can talk about how to write a chart so other people can play your music.
How to practice it most effectively: Just have fun with your original tune. Also play along to the wish you were here solo, you did a great job with that so just keep doing what you’re doing.