Remember the ‘3-legged stool’ of music!  1.  Rhythm  2.  Lyricism (melodic line)  3.  the Sound you produce (matching/bringing to life the rhythmic feel and the story you’re telling (the melody).  They’re all intertwined, and one should be mindful of these musical principles at every moment you are playing!


Oh dear, Isabella!  Please focus more during the lessons on the task at hand, and PRACTICE the way I show you at home.  REGULARLY.  At least 15 minutes every day.


Yet another milestone!!!  I am so pleased with your progress since September, young sir.  Great work.  Your improvisations are getting more structured; you are putting more thought into them.  Keep it up!!


Understandably tired today, but you tried your best, nevertheless.  Focus on becoming more aware of the how articulating on a different part of your fingers (pads vs. tips) varies the sound produced.  Including your thumb!  Different pieces require different articulations.  And, we play with our entire body from waist to fingertips, not just our hands and fingers.  Experiment!!!


Emotion!!!  ELECTRIFIED fingers!!!  Body movement in the character of the piece (or section thereof) you’re playing!!!  Your pieces are fine, but to bring them to the next level, you have to COME ALIVE when you play!!!  Do some soul searching over the Spring Break.