Great lessons for the second to final (make-up) week of the year!  It’s been a pleasure teaching all of you.  Now, don’t forget to practice during the summer, lest you forget what you learned this year!  Actually, most of you will have much more time to practice during the summer months (unless you’re on vacation/at camp without any access to a piano), so I look forward to your PROGRESS in September!


Another great lesson and practice week!  Looking forward to September!  Remember to practice SAYING the note names of the melody (usually in the R.H) OUT LOUD as you play.  This will help you read music better!


I think the next step in the evolution of your musicianship is becoming aware of the QUALITY of the SOUND you are producing as you strike a key.  I will stress this idea again next week.


Remember to buy Piano Adventures Lesson Book Level 2 for next week, so you can get started on it over the summer!  Keep practicing your songs in Level 1, though, and learn ‘The Bubble’!  Lift those fingers HIGH off the keys, after playing notes, so the SOUND can RING!!!


Lifting fingers high (and quickly) off keys applies to you, too ~ SPIDER (active) FINGERS!!!  Explore the different kinds of SOUNDS you can make when your fingers strike the keys.