Hello Ezra and Elora,

good to see you all again and here are assignment until we meet next week.

Ezra- Make sure practice the note division between eighth note and sixteen notes. Remember that the way of count sixteen notes is one e and a. The cross sign is not a plus symbol in the math equation. In addition, we also learned double kick. Remember the motion of right leg that I shown it to you. Finally, PLEASE PLEASE work again your stick grips. Don’t lose between your thumb and second finger. Try to practice 1 hour  daily and focus every thing I spoke to you.

Elora- We reviewed the note divisions and we learned how to count between quarter notes and eighth note. The common count between quarter note and eight note is that every down beats line up. Remember that you have to count 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and. The cross sign is not plus sign in the math equation. In addition, we learned simple rock beat. X means Hi-hat, Octave C – Snare drum, and bottom note is Bass drum. Please remember the instruments’s names. 1 and 3 is Hi-hat with bass drum and 2 and 4 is Hi-hat with Snare drum. When you practice this, please count loud and try to practice slowly and accurate. Furthermore, I showed you the leg motion. Your entire right leg has to do stump motion. Try to practice 40 minute daily and practice slowly. Finally, keep working on your stick grips. Your thumb and second finger are keep losing strength.


Happy Practice~~