Hello Ezra and Elora,

here is the week assignment.

Ezra- Please read through the materials that I handed out to you. In addition, keep all the materials in the binder. I mentioned to you the first day of lesson. We learned variation note division exercises and simple drum beat. Even though we learned these, make sure check your hand position and stick holding carefully. When you practice the assignment, think carefully what I have told you and practice slowly. It is important practice slow because it helps to process and develop your next technique fast and efficiently. PLEASE focus when you practice. Try to aim 30 minute daily when it comes to practice the assignment. REMEMBER that slow is the best than fast. Lastly, bring your own sticks.


Elora- keep practicing the last materials that I gave you and try to aim 30 minute daily when it comes to practice the assignment. I’m looking forward to see you next week.


Happy Practice~