Hi there,
Good work this week everybody!
take care,
We worked on: Billie’s Bounce
What to practice: Billie’s Bounce (melody plus chords from Blues Harmony sheet I sent you), In A Sentimental Mood, Bach Invention #1.
We worked on: scales, watermelon man, Marcha Do Remador
What to practice: work on getting Marcha Do Remador melody up to tempo and solid! practice high C to F to work on the palm keys.
We worked on: Rubank, embouchure, silver and art
What to practice: Rubank “review lesson”, first half (start at 66bpm and gradually increase one click at a time), Silver and Art (keep working on the rhythms and feel, play more slurred except for the “hat” accents), embouchure (roll out the bottom lip, take more mouthpiece in your mouth, neck at less of an angle)