Hi everyone,
Good work this week!!!
We worked on: major 7th scales (up to the b7 with swing feel) through the Circle of 4ths, Mosquito Dance, light tonguing on Little Suede Shoes, Wildflower.
What to practice: Rhythm of Mosquito Dance, scales through the Circle of 4ths, light tonguing during practice.
We worked on: Klose articulation (bring out slurring vs tonguing), Silver and Art, Blue Bolivar Blues and Blue Monk
What to practice: Blue Bolivar Blues and Blue Monk, try to memorize to get off the page.
We worked on: G to G chromatic, “Head” and Solo of One For Daddy-o
What to practice: One for Daddy-o Head whole tune, G blues scale
We worked on: solo on D blues with backing track!
What to practice: solo on D blues with backing track! Silver and Art for next week