Hey friends,

Don’t forget to bring your practise logs to every lesson. This week, I want you all to include time for “free play” in your practising. This is time to just have pure fun on the drums. Do what ever you’d like! Some things I like to do for free play when I’m practising are create new drum beats or play along to songs I like. Please include free play in your practise logs if it is something you did that day.




Same homework as last week.


Same homework as last week except instead of playing along to the Spongebob song, play along to a metronome (which can be slower than the Spongebob song). Put the metronome to 70 bpm (beats per minute). Count the clicks with “1 and 2 and”. Each click is a note – 1 (click), and (click), 2 (click), and (click). When you can play the patterns at that speed, put the metronome to 75 bpm and do it again. When you can do that, play the patterns at 80 bpm. Keep getting faster until you get to 100.


Same homework as last week except try to play as fast as you can with the metronome. I want to know the exact bpm number that is your fastest.


Same homework as last week except play the “1 and 2 and” pattern along to a metronome starting at 70 bpm. Count the clicks with “1 and 2 and”. Each click is a note – 1 (click), and (click), 2 (click), and (click). When you can play the patterns at that speed, put the metronome to 75 bpm and do it again. When you can do that, play the patterns at 80 bpm. Keep getting faster until you get to 100.