
  1. Overtone warmup (handout).
  2. pg. 38 Voxman book up to 5th line. Work at 130 bpm t the eighth note. Aim for air releases for staccato notes.
  3. F harmonic minor – handout (80 bpm +)
    • isolate Db-F-Db in high register, getting that note switch under your fingers before adding a metronome.
  4. C# diminished 7 arpeggio (handout)


Great work this week! Your work is:

  1. Find a metronome app on your device’s app store – I suggest ‘Tempo Lite’. If you’re using a computer this website is good (no need to make an account, just use the wheel on the right to find the closest number for tempo): https://www.metronomeonline.com/
  2. Galper book:
    • #5,
    • #6 (first line),
    • #9 (with metronome set to approx. 80 bpm – try to play along to the beat of the metronome)


  1. Overtone warmup
    • using a high voicing (tongue high in your mouth, saying ‘eeh’), finger a low C and aim to sound a high G (on your page)
    • Practice along to your tuner and see whether you’re sharp (too high), flat (too low), or in tune.
  2. Continue Eb major at 60 bpm along to a metronome, working up to 120 bpm.
  3. Continue one-octave G7, C7 and D7 arpeggios from last week
  4. Continue G blues scale (one octave)
  5. Lesson 26 #4, with metronome.


  1. Pick up Elementary Method for Saxophone this week if you have the chance. It should be available at St. John’s Music (Leaside), Long and MacQuade (Bloor and Ossington) or on Amazon.
  2. Find a tuning app for your phone/ipad. A really good free one available on most app stores is called ‘n-Track tuner’. Also, look for a metronome app: a good free one is ‘Tempo Lite’.
  3. Continue a descending (going down) C major scale in longtones as a warmup.
  4. Sonnymoon for Two – practice along to this recording.
    • Remember ‘bis’ Bb (little key next to B key on the left hand)
    • Slide from low Eb to low C.
    • Try to tongue the notes with good air support so that they come out right in time.
  5. Continue C major scale ascending (going up) from middle to high C along to the metronome set at 70 bpm.
    • Focus on keeping your bottom lip in check so you don’t lose control and jump down the octave! Remember, if your embouchure is controlled, you won’t need to use so much air to make the reed vibrate.
  6. We’ll look at ‘O Canada’ this coming week.


  1. G major scale, one octave. Remember your F#!
  2. Take a look at lessons #1 and #2 in the Galper book and we’ll take that up next week.
  3. Piece #1 (bottom of page). Make sure fingers of right hand are landing properly!
  4. Name all notes of piece #1. While you practice the piece, try to say the names of the notes in your head to help remember them.