ABC Academy of Music

Lessons & Classes

for All Ages

Hannah Greiner

Toronto Piano Teacher • ABC Academy of Music

Hannah Greiner2017-09-05T21:46:36-04:00


Born in New Westminster, BC, Hannah first began piano lessons at 4.  When she began learning piano pedagogy, she discovered her passion in life – teaching music!  She enjoys sharing her love of music with her students in patient and creative ways, and continues to strive to learn how to motivate and inspire her students.

Hannah has been teaching piano for over 8 years, and her students have received First Class Honours with Distinction in RCM Examinations.

She believes that to become a better teacher, she must continue to learn, and has recently begun learning how to play the harp.

Hobbies: attending concerts, reading, playing WOW and Nintendo Wii

Musical influences: Serena Ryder, Alicia Keys, William Joseph, Chopin

Favourite food: Noodles

Least favourite food: Fennel

Favourite music: Muse

Favourite song: Butterflies and Hurricanes

Favourite movie: Up

Favouirite movie music: Hanna, Ratatouille

Favourite musical theatre/opera: La Boheme

Best quote from your teacher: Try again

Favourite quote: A dwarf sitting on the shoulders of the giant may see even further than the giant

Favourite book: LOTR

Best thing about teaching at ABC: getting to share music together!

[fontpress type=”fontface” name=”MyriadPro_LightCond” size=”40px” color=”ffffff”]This Week’s Homework from Hannah[/fontpress]

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Hannah’s Homework July 27 – Aug 2

Dear Piano Explorers and Parents



Nice to meet you today! We are going to work on improving Maria’s note recognition in C position. 

Raindrops: Listen for small little raindrops (short, quiet sounds) when you play. Remember your left hand is the “leader” (it plays first, then the right hand copies)

If you have an iPad or iPhone at home, download “Noteworks” and “Piano Maestro”


Alyssa Diseko

Hope your finger heals quickly!  In the meantime, continue to work on the RH notes in your songs.

Arietta in C: Play the RH to the end. Two-note slurs: make a “down-up” motion, and play the first note slightly louder. Detach any notes without a slur marking. Try to be completely accurate in playing all the correct notes.

New Shoes: Play the RH part only, paying attention to the ledger line notes.



Piano Maestro: download this on your iPad, and start sight reading some of the songs.

Technique: Practice the different types of arpeggios (with different patterns of white and black keys). Figure out the most efficient way to play these hands together (no finger 1 on the black keys except for the pattern with ALL black keys)

Fur Elise: Continue to practice this – I will hear you play it next week.

The Avalanche: I will hear you play this next week, please continue to practice it.

Positively Swinging: Great start – you are getting the hang of the “swing”.  Practice the LH until you can do it without looking at your hand

Prayer: imagine you are playing the voices of 3 singers in a choir. Think about playing the voices smoothly from chord to chord. Keep a slow and peaceful tempo.




It was nice to meet you and to teach you for the past year. I will miss our lovely lessons and your enthusiasm for learning and not giving up. I hope you will continue to enjoy making music.



Graduation Song:  Practice this slower so you don’t need to say “wait” or “oops” when you play. Aim for a smooth performance (it doesn’t need to be very fast).

Merrily We Roll Along: Great job today! Smooth and in-control of all the notes. This week, work on memorizing this. 

To complete your first book, you will need to perform your top 5 songs next week, and the Graduation Song.


Alyssa M

It was nice to meet you today! I look forward to our lessons in August!

Technique: C major and a minor. Scales should be 4 octaves, triads (solid and broken) should be two octaves. Chromatic scale hands together starting on C. Arpeggios should be two octaves.

Masquerade: practice bar 1-4, 17-24

Reflections: Wonderful start. When you play this, imagine a peaceful scene, perhaps beside a calm lake or pond (or the Azores!). Play expressively, and imagine that you want someone else listening to your playing to feel the same sense of peacefulness and beauty. Take your time at the “ritardando” and begin to expand your dynamic range.

Sonatina in F Major: NEW. We worked on the left hand today (first 4 bars). It is up to you to learn the RH section, and to put the hands together. Good luck!

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