WELCOME BACKKKKKK! So lovely to see you all and here you had a lovely March break! <3
Sonatina in G major – first part continue HS. Last line HT. The grace notes are supposed to be light short accents, not crunchy solid minor 2nds, so ensure you are just adding a little note before the main one, not smushing them both down the same time.
*New* Ragtime pg1 in piano pronto – the LH is on 2 and 4, like the hihat of a swing beat. The RH uses a short-long-short rhyrhm. Listen to the melody (beginning at 1:00) with lyrics here.
This week, start at the TOP of your scales/triads and go downards and then go back up. Sometimes just flipping it around helps the brain, and you’ll likely get more practice of the descending this way.
Catch a Comet unit – both pieces. Count aloud. Here is a fantastic follow along video for the longer piece.
Next week we will play the game from this unit.
Nightingale – excellent reading today! Now you can add in the G minor middle section as well. Great job with the written fingering.
Maple Leaf Rag – sounding really nice and clean!
This week I would like you to look at each of your 5 planned exam pieces (Air in Bb, Sonatina in C, Nighttime, Cloud Dance, Ballade) and see what ones need the most “dusting off” and come next week telling me what you discovered and then we’ll make a plan together.
Superman Theme – Great job adding in all the little 3rds and 6ths for harmony! The rhythms are pretty crazy for this piece, tied triplets and such, so listen to the recordings and play how it sounds best. If feeling confident, add in those LH constant Cs.
Cranky Cat – m1-16. Watch your F# in the quick little “trill”. Keep going in the bridge, first learn it with the hands taking turns.
*New* Jump Pop Hop – this one is easy note wise, but trickier to get all notes perfectly even and shaped in an interesting way. Lines 1,3,4 are parallel motion, while line 2 the hands move contrary to each other.
Keep all technique prepared.
This week I would like you to look at each of your 4 planned exam pieces (Minuet, Periwinkle, Breezy, The Wind) and see what ones need the most “dusting off” and come next week telling me what you discovered and then we’ll make a plan together.
It is important to have the page open and be really looking at it this week, since you have played Periwinkle and Breezy a lot for fun, perhaps something’s have evolved and changed and are no longer completely accurate to the page, keep an eye out for this!
Keep all technique prepared. Great job on the formula, work to eliminate the repeated note you do the first time the hands split directions.
*New* Minuet in F – A section. Each circle of notes is a triad, feel free to play them blocked (all three notes at once) at first if that helps you to start. A minuet is a dance, and though it is not a waltz, it’s still in 3 and maintains the strong-weak-weak beat idea. LH is entirely detached. Listen here.
Maintain all your technical requirements.