Hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween :)
Get well soon ! I look forward to seeing you next week.
You’re working on The Spring Session based on Vivaldi’s “Spring” from The Four Seasons. Practice the LH seperate thinking or saying aloud each chord. Then you won’t have to use brain power for the position changes and can focus on the beautiful RH. Remember breaks in the phrase markings mean we must “breathe” like a singer would, and break the musical line.
You’re also working on making your C, G and F major scales super even. If someone’s listening, they shouldn’t know when your thumb is flipping under. Practice the first 5 notes using the scale fingering 12312 until there’s no hesitation between notes. You made great progress on this in lesson!
Recommended practice time: 20-25 minutes
You’re working on this pop fusion arrangement of Clair de Lune. When playing the LH, think I-vi-IV-V, like a pop song! Listen for the original Clair de Lune melody to shine through in parts. Make it beautiful since the notes are not tricky!
Keep polishing Arctic Voices. Try and tether all the parts that are played “in time” to be the same tempo so it connects the piece together more. I would take more time with the opening LH notes, thicker texture too. The 3rd line should be all in time.
Begin exploring your triads in these keys D, Bb, F major and b, g, and d minor. Your fingering is correct, keep it the same for broken and solid. Practice accenting any note that isn’t the first of each triplet. If you have the ability to accent any note you want, you will have broken the habit of thumping each downbeat.
Recommended practice time: 30-35 minutes
You’re continuing to work on My Daydream. Practice the LH until you could play it with your eyes closed, as it’s the easier of the two. As for the RH, keep your head up and looking at the page so you can see the shape of each line and what note it ends on. You’re doing a good job working on the wrist circles, think about why you’re circling your wrist? (so it lines up with whatever finger is playing, so it’s out to the right when our pinky is playing)
Your “quick study” piece is Water Ski Wallaby. It focuses on finger 4, so keep your wrist supported and your fingers rounded to make it easier. The rhythms are not hard so focus on making the notes clear and even. See how fast and steady you can get this piece this week!
Amazing job figuring out all the major 5 note patterns by the way!
Recommended practice time: 20-25 minutes
You’re working on Carol in G Major. This pieces uses the G major key signature, which means all Fs are #s. There are no accidentals in this piece so it means all the notes are notes found in the G major scale. Before playing through the piece, play the part where the hands are together until it’s easy.
You’re also working on French Lullaby. This piece has a position change in the LH! The keyboard diagrams at the top will help you. This also introduces a new “musical form” called DC al Fine. This means you play all the way to the end, go back to the beginning, and then play until it says Fine. Your ear will tell you the first time you get to the “end” that it is definitely not the end, because the piece is in G and that does not end on a G! Sounds so unsettled. Great job with your sightreading today :)
Recommended practice time: 20-25 minutes