Happy Friday!
Nice work with B flat major scale this week – both in playing, and knowledge of the fingers and note names. Continue to work towards quick movement between fingerings, in a relaxed manner. Practice this by doing the fingers only, saying the note names out loud while doing the fingers, and then by playing. Aim to keep your upper body relaxed while playing, especially for higher notes. If you notice you are feeling tense, put the horn down, do a breathing exercise, and then bring that feeling of relaxation to your playing when you pick up the horn again.
Great to see how your reading skills have developed – good recognition of notes on the staff and rhythms. I liked your composition!
As we discussed, I will be away next week. My colleague Mik Debowski will be your substitute teacher. I hope you enjoy working with him.
I believe it is your March break after that. Have a good break! I’ll look forward to seeing you again in a few weeks!
Once again this week, it was great to hear how your sound and tuning low range are coming along. We discovered a good way for to work on extending your range above B flat: With good posture, take in a full, relaxed breath; play B flat, and while continuing to play, move your slide out to 6th, to C. Then, re-articulate to come in on that C that you just played. After doing this several times, play the low F in 6th position. Go back and fourth between the F and C, and notice how these notes feel different.
When your comfortable, move up the positions from C, to D in fourth position. Likewise, play the D, and then low G in fourth position. Go back and fourth between the two notes, and notice how they feel different.
Keep up the good work with your playing posture!
Nice job with reading music again this week, too. Your recognition of notes on the staff, and understanding of rhythms is coming along.
As we discussed, I will be away next week. My colleague Mik Debowski will be your substitute teacher. I hope you enjoy working with him.
I believe it is your March break after that. Have a good break! I’ll look forward to seeing you again in a few weeks!