Eliana should practice 4-5 times per week for 30-45 mins per session.
Marches Militaires
- Review
Fur Elise
- Practice the whole piece hands together, with repeats, but focus on the 2 non-theme material sections
Song of the Cavalry
- Articulation – try to be mindful and precise with all the written articulations, and voicing of soprano voice on top of the “fillers”
Anastasiya should practice 4-5 times per week for 15-20 mins per session.
Song of the Scarecrow
- Warm up by playing hands separately, and slowly put both hands together.
Theory Book
- Make sure we bring this book to every lesson!
Vivienne should practice 4-5 times per week for 15-20 mins per session.
Maple Leaf Rag
- Fluency on the 2nd page!
Betty Ragtime
- Work on the R.H. part alone up to the repeat sign.
Chantal should practice 4-5 times per week at 15 – 20 mins per session
A Dozen A day
- New exercises, with steadiness and repeat.
Piano Adventures
- Try to keep a steady and even tempo/rhythm, played slurred notes connected, and play with dynamic changes
O Canada
- Review the R.H. melody, and start putting hands together for the first 2 lines.
Alyssa should practice 4-5 times per week at 30 mins – 1 hr per session.
- Use the correct fingering, play with accuracy, and clarity on everything with the metronome
You and I
- Accuracy and fluency of notes, and try to voice the top note of all chords
In Church
- Focus on the 2nd half of the piece, with the suggested and written fingerings on all chords
Stand by Me
- Start trying putting hands together for this piece!
Claire should practice 4-5 times per week at 15 – 30 mins per session.
- Practice hands together for the whole piece – make sure L.H. is playing at the correct octave, and practice with pedal for the first 2 pages.