Warm up : C, G, and D major scales and triads
New pieces : Ice – cream (C position)
More ice- cream (G position)
The Elf’s silver hammer – RH in high C position
Fur Elise by memory – practise each hand seperately until in even beat, then try hands together in slower tempo
(try to practise 15 – 20 minutes a day)
Warm up : 5 finger scales : C, D , E, F and G
Pieces: Hot air balloon
Boat bridge
Jogging dog
Night owl
Autumn Leaves
Our snowman
Christmas trees
By memory : Rudolph the rednose reindeer
- say the names of the notes as you play them to help you remember
(try to practise 10 minutes a day)
Warm up : C , G, D, and A major scales and triads
Pieces: Captain Hook – LH in low C position
Almost like a dream – a minor ( both hands)
By memory : Jingle bells
Rudolph the red nose reindeer
(try to practise 15 minutes a day)
Warm up : C, G major scales and triad
– try in parallel and contrary motion
Pieces : Captain Hook – follow the syncopated rhythm – RH
Sounds from the gumdrops factory – LH in a low C position
Spanish Caballero – arpeggios : A, G, F, E (watch for G sharp)
By memory : Glad cat rag
– keep tempo evenly
– have both hands in the ready position to start
(try to practise 15 minutes a day)