Warm up : C, G, D major scales and triads
New Pieces: I am the king – hands together, have both hands ready in the correct position (left hand – low G position)
Moonlight melody – hands together, watch for flats (semitone to the left)
The puppet show – hands together, notice the symetry of chromatic scale between right and left hands
Fur Elise – keep working on the middle part – by memory
(try to practise 15 – 20 minutes a day)
Warm up : cadencas in C, and G major
New Pieces: Song of the Volga boatmen – have both hands ready in the correct position
Aura Lee- say the names of the notes as you play them, to help you remember
(try to practise 10 – 15 minutes a day)
Warm up: C, G , D major scales and triads
New Pieces: Puppet Show – watch for flats (semitone to the left) and sharps (semitone to the right), notice the symetrical patterns
My daydream – G position , have both hands ready before you start
(try to practise 15 – 20 minutes a day)
Warm up : C, G, D major scales, triads and cadencas
New Pieces : After the gold rush – continue on the secnd page, pay attention to the correct fingering and rhythm
Cowgirl in the sand – A minor , practise each hand seperately, then try hands together
Ragtime do -si- do – sounds great! – work on the middle part (second page), have left hand (base ) ready first
(try to practise 15 – 20 minutes a day)