Kasey Ann,

Warm up : C , G major scales and triads

New Pieces : Pachelbel’s Canon – practise right hand first – pay attention to holding 2 voices/lines – higher in mf, lower in mp, connecting smoothly, try hands together (1 page)

Love Story (main theme) – F minor (watch for F, C and G sharps) – hands seperately (1 page) – make sure to use correct fingering

(try to practise 15 – 20 minutes a day)

  •  note: I will be away from the studio Feb 11 – Abigail (an amazing teacher and a lovely person :)) will be taking over my lessons!



Warm up : C, G and D major scales, 1 octave

Ode to Joy – well done! (play as a warm up , intermission or just for fun)

New pieces : I am a King – name notes in the left hand before you play them (low G position)

Moonlight Melody – hands seperately first, right hand – in C , left hand – in E

Havana – by memory – try bass line (left hand) and the chords (right hand) seperately first , then hands together

(try to practise 15 minutes a day)

  • note: I will be away from the studio Feb 11 – Abigail (an amazing teacher and a lovely person :)) will be taking over my lessons!



Warm up : C major scale – 1 octave, hands seperately and hands together in contrary motion

New pieces : Humpty Dumpty

Birthday Party

Goldfish (watch for eighth notes)

Three Funny Clowns – skipping (broken chords)

– say the names of the notes as you play them to help you remember

(try to practise 10 -15 minutes a day)

  • note: I will be away from the studio Feb 11 – Abigail (an amazing teacher and a lovely person :)) will be taking over my lessons!



Warm up : C, D, E, F, G 5-note scales

Cadence in C major (tonic, subdominant, dominant – in broken chords, connected the closest way)

New Pieces : Big Ben

Aura Lee (thumbs on C, middle C position)

(try to practise 15 – 20 minutes a day)

  • note: I will be away from the studio Feb 11 – Abigail (an amazing teacher and a lovely person :)) will be taking over my lessons!



Warm up: C, G and D major scales and triads (broken and solid)

New Pieces : Boom Boom – G position, have both hands ready before you start, watch for sharps at the end of the song

Spanich Caballero – focus on the middle part, hands together

Believer – by memory – practise each hand seperately first (right hand – melody, left hand – bass line), then try hands together

(try to practise 15 minutes a day

  • I will be away from the studio Feb 11 – Abigail (an amazing teacher and a lovely person :)) will be taking over my lessons!



Warm up: C, G, D major scales, 1 octave, hands seperately and together

New Pieces : My Daydream – G position – have both hands ready before you start, take 1 measure at a time (stay in G position)

Sword Dance – D position – practise hands seperately, try 1st line hands together, make sure to count quorter and eighth notes

(try to practise 15 minutes a day)

  • I will be away from the studio Feb 11 – Abigail (an amazing teacher and a lovely person :)) will be taking over my lessons!



Warm up : 5-note C scale

New Pieces : The Steamboat

Autumn Snow Storm – middle C position, have both thumbs ready on C

– call the names of the notes as you play them to help you remember

(try to practise 10 minutes a day)

  • I will be away from the studio Feb 11 – Abigail (an amazing teacher and a lovely person :)) will be taking over my lessons!