
Warm up : C major scale, each hand seperately

Review : A song about cats

New : Schools bells are ringing

Banana split – have your hands positions ready/ see the picture

Train’s a coming’ – by memory

(practice time : 10 minutes a day)


Warm up : C and D major scales and triads , 2 octaves HS/HT

New : Rockin’ Pneumonia and the boogie woogie flu – moderate boogie beat, HS

Review : Stand by me

(practice time : 20 minutes a day)


Warm up : C major and D major scale , 2 octaves , HS/HT

Review : 18th century dance , G position, have both hands ready

New : Lunar Eclipse , learn LH (changing notes) first, then try HT, remember E flat

In the Hall of the Mountain King – by memory

(practice time : 20 minutes a day)


Warm up : C major and D major scales, HS /HT 1 octave

New : Snake charmer – Low G position, watch for B flat and C sharp

Memorize ostinato rhythm pattern LH , make playing it automatic

(practice time : 15 minutes a day)


Warm up : C major and D major scales , 1 octave HS /HT

New : Minuet in G – practice each hand separately, then try 1 line HT

(practice time : 15 minutes a day)


Warm up : C major and D major scales , HS/HT, 1 octave

New : William Tell , have your both hands position ready

(practice time : 15 minutes a day)


Warm up : C and D major scales and triads, HS/HT 1 and 2 octaves

New : Rustic Dance , LH low C position, watch for the position change in the middle section

review : Fur Elise – by memory section A, HS section B , follow the indicated fingering

(practice time : 20 minutes a day)

Carmen ,

Warm up : C and D major scales and triads, HS/HT , 1 octave

Review : On the bridge at Avignon , C position both hands

New : Why am i blue, syncopated rhythm , G position

By memory : 18th century Dance , G position

(practice time : 15 minutes a day)


Warm up : C major scale, HS, 1 octave

Review : Alley cats choir

New : The Indian dance, G position

(practice time : 10 minutes a day)


Warm up: C major scale

Review : March on D – E – F, have your hands position ready

New : Mister Bluebird – say the names of the notes as you play them

(practice time : 15 minutes a day)

Watch for the key change (A minor) in the middle section