

  1. Minuet (21 in Galper Book). Remember to bring the book next week, please!
  2. Register Switch Warmup (Galper 68)
    • Practice with a tuner this week. I use an app called n-Track Tuner.
    • Use consistent air support as you cross the break, and aim to support the medium register with air support and high voicing so that it isn’t flat.


  1. D minor scale and arpeggios up to high A. Practice both at 90 bpm on the metronome, aiming to memorize them for next lesson.
  2. Equinox
    1. listen to John Coltrane’s version, including the improvisations after the melody: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5m2HN2y0yV8
    2. Play melody along to this track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uo_Xmi-mdU
    3. After the melody, try improvising using the Dm arpeggio and scale. Use simple rhythms and try to lock in with the drums on the playalong recording.


Take a listen to this beautiful track that featured David Binney and melds classical orchestration with jazz improv!

  1. Warmup:
    1. Jerry Bergonzi Warmup on sax neck. Aim for neutral lower lip and relaxed chin muscles.
    2. Opposite Octave exercise (play in low octave with octave key by relaxing embouchure and opening throat) F# down to low C.
  2. Finger warmup: Joe Henderson Trill Exercise. Listen to Joe Henderson here, and you’ll see why we do his exercises.
    • Practice this with a metronome at a slow tempo: 30-60 bpm. Move down to the next fastest subdivision when you play with as little finger movement and hand tension as possible (half notes, quarter notes, quarter note triplets, eighth notes, eighth note triplets, etc.)
    • Aim for really accurate time, listening closely to the metronome.
  3. Continue C# major scale and triads with metronome.
  4. Selected Studies pg. 40, all the way through. Aim for metronome at 85-90 bpm.
  5. Practice A Doll
    1. Along to a metronome,
    2. Along to the track with Jim Snidero. Try to imitate his inflections.