G major
- now arm: evenly distribute each note
- Try to increase tempo
- Add elastic band to bow
D major
- practice a bit slower so you know where to change the bow
D major arpeggio 1 3 and 5
- practice with a D drone
- Slow separate bows: whole bow
- Practice plucking and saying notes: D Fsharp A
- Then 3 notes per bow: evenly distributed
Whale song
- learning how to walk fingers across string in pairs instead of entire hand
- Dynamics: making a difference between mf and f. Diminuendo as well
Tired Tortoise
- Just practice string crossings and prepare with elbow
Start working on March
- metronome and D drone
- DC al fine
Minuet 2
- practice performing for people and playing along with recordings and accompaniments
- Increase tempo
It’s time to start book 2!!!