G major
- get the weight out of the string for descending shift
- practice slower, land with tall fingers
- Fsharp closer to G in 4th position
- practice D to E and E to D. Listening for the shift and the intonation. then go faster
- work on keeping the bow moving, smootha dn continuous
- save the bow, slow bow
- anticipate string string crossings
Vibrato Exercise
- doesn’t really matter what the bow is doing
- as the motion gets smaller, it should also get faster
- practice playing twinkle opening on one string with the tenis ball. Tehn add vibrato motion. Try to make it continuous while moving from one note to the next
Toy soldier
- practice same way as bugle call
- when more comfortable, add metronome, increase tempo
- don’t forget about bow angle, don’t use too much bow
Sitting In the Shade
- increase tempo, less bow
- great dynamics!
- add metronome: start around 65 – 70 and make your way to indicated tempo
- don’t rush your eighth notes
May Time
- Con moto: with motion AKA faster
- practice with C drone. Listen for ringing 4th finger on G string
- dim e rit: get quieter and softer
- memorize
- sustain through slurs without dashes
- as you increase the tempo use less bow