Happy March everyone! <3 I appreciate you all so much!
B Major scale – in preparation for the Zelda piece. This scale only has two white keys, which makes the standard fingering seem very logical. B C# D# E F# G# A# B. RH fingering is same as always 123 12345. LH will start finger 4! It will go 4321 4321. Hands seperate this week.
*New* Steampunk – first 3 lines. Watch your tied notes. In the 3rd phrase, you play D with finger 5 and then switch to finger 2 so you can reach higher notes, be picky with this. First two phrases I expect HT next week, but the 3rd phrase hands seperate is fine.
Viva La Vida – There are a few spots where you switch to the 3rd chord too late so I’ve written “change” there. Also for the chorus where the RH is up on high F, be sure to not wait until beat 1 to change the chords, and instead come in before the beat so the rhythm stays syncopated.
*New* This Is Not Jingle Bells – We are now at the stage in the book where we are calling steps = 2nds and skips = 3rds. Numbers like that are called intervals and describe how many letter names are between the notes. In the opening line of this piece your RH plays C and E which are a 3rd apart. C 1, D 2, E 3! During this piece the LH has to change positions twice.
C Major Contrary motion scale as warmup.
C Major triads – Here is a video to remind you. Don’t worry about tempo right now, just correct notes and fingers. Always uses 1 and 5 for the outside notes, and 2 or 3 for the middle note. Imagine notes C E and G are holding hands and spinning around playing ring around the rosie, they are always in a different arrangement but they are still the same notes. CEG then EGC then GCE then CEG again.