Dear Tai,
Theme by Haydn – G position, watch for the fingering changes, play each hand a few times, then try hands together.
Fur Elise – memorize E octaves, keep repeating to gain speed.
Sword dance – review, D minor- remember B flat.
C major triads (hold broken chords)
C major scale HT, one octave
(practice 15 – 20 min a day)
Dear Carmen,
- say the names of the notes as you play them
- remember the difference between the Middle C position and C position (left hand on c d e f g notes)
Theme from new world symphony
Mary had a little lamb (middle C position – thumbs on C)
(practice at least 10 minutes a day)
Dear Ian,
Keep reviewing previous lessons:
Sea divers
That’s a forth
Let’s have fun
Love somebody
(make sure to use correct fingering, remember your time values)
(practice 15 – 20 minutes a day)
Dear Miles,
Work on C position notes, remember correct fingering
C major scale
C major triads
Mission Impossible (keep memorizing)
(practice 15 minutes a day)
Dear Nathalia,
Keep working on reviewing C major position songs:
March on
Roaming lions
Sleepy John
Run mouse run
Pop goes the weasel
C major scale (play each hand separately, then try hands together)
(practice 10 – 15 minutes a day)