-practice the new section of Hickory Dickory Dock
-write in the letter names to help with this
-Keyboard Magic: you can write the letter names here as well and practice playing hands together
-breathing exercise: in for 8, out for 20, in for 6, out for 25
-head voice exercises: using the “wee” sound to embrace the feeling of lightness and freeness; then switch to a “ga” sound to strengthen
-chest voice exercise: “That’s mine”, remembering to feel the activation of the diaphragm on “that’s”. Adjust the soft palate’s position as you work up a scale
-work on the new notes of My Funny Valentine
-pay special attention to the left hand rhythms at the bottom of page 1 (make sure you are changing the notes quickly enough to line up with the right hand)
-G major scale hands together, and triads hands separately
Nice job everyone, see you next time!