Awesome work this week, folks! Looking forward to our last lesson of the semester next week! Here are your homework suggestions for this week:
-keep working on Money Money, practicing in those rhythmic changes we made
-if you upload the Billie Jean music, I will do a little tutorial vid!
-practice Best Friends and Gorilla in the Tree
-keep practicing Silent Night
-try out the sight reading activity in theory book, pg 23
-practice Jingle Bells, hands together
-practice Best Friends, from your lesson book, hands together
-sing along to Someone You Loved
-To Fly like an Eagle: practice this hands separately
-Minuetto: keep up the practicing! for any sections that trip you up for a moment, just work on them slow and steady
-Arietta: Remember to hold the D#!
-Sherlock: drill it line by line this week (mainly focusing on the latter 2 systems)
-Run to the father: practice the chords this week, trying out the inversions I suggested. Play around with what feels most comfortable for the hand position! Here are the chords I was showing you during the lesson:
See you all next week!