Hi everyone,

Happy New Year and welcome back! Here are your homework assignments for this week:


Review the rhythms and beats that we worked on this week. Especially the bass and snare exercises. Try to play each one at least 4 times in a row without stopping. Also, be careful not to speed up or slow down while you play. Pick a medium speed and try to stick to it.


Take a look at the rhythm review that we did this week. Practice counting each rhythm while you play and be sure to give each rest its full value. Also, try playing each exercise at a variety of speeds – slow, medium, and fast. Be ready to work on Back in Black next week too.


Practice the latin beat exercises that I gave you. Remember to always start with the feet (they’re the most important), then add the left hand, and then finally the right hand. Take everything nice and slow until it starts to feel comfortable. Try to maintain each beat for an extended period of time (more than just a few times in a row).


Take a look at the 2-bar phrases that we worked on this week. Practice playing each one several times in a row without stopping. Also, create your own two bar phrase and write it at the bottom of the page that I gave you. Be ready to play it for me next week.