
What we worked on: We learned about Treble Clef and Bass Clef today.

How long to practice: 10 minutes a day.

What to practice: Try and work through pages 22 and 23 in your workbook, all about the quarter note.

How to practice most effectively: Have mom and dad read the instructions on the page to you. And bring your book to our next lesson so we can look and what you did.



What we worked on: We worked on “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” GREAT improvements. And we picked a new song. Here is the sheet music for White Christmas. Here’s a performance of the song to listen to, as well. And a track to practice with.

How long to practice: 15 – 20 minutes a day.

What to practice: Become familiar with the song. If you feel inclined to start singing it, remember to drop your jaw when you sing your vowels.



What we worked on: TV by Billie Eilish.

Recommended minutes to practice: 10 – 15 minutes a day.

What to practice: This week, I want you to experiment with vocal fry. Here’s a video from my favourite YouTube page haha

How to practice most effectively: You have such a good handle on your voice already, so I recommend you record yourself singing and take a listen. See if you can notice anything we’ve spoken about. Next week, we’ll finish up TV and pick a new song for the new year!



What we worked on: Perfect by Ed Sheeran.

Recommended minutes to practice: 15 – 20 minutes a day.

What to practice: Get used to dropping your jaw when you sing and creating more downwards and rounded space.

How to practice most effectively: We’ve looked at looking in the mirror, putting your hands on either side of your cheeks or just visualizing it. Keep experimenting with which of these works best for you to help make it easier.