Dear Tai,

Keep reviewing pieces in level 2 lesson and performance books.

Sword Dance – keep the beat! add dynamics.

Brahms Lullaby – bring out the melody, chords background in medium piano

My Daydream – have the G position ready for both hands


scales: C D E F G A B (hands separately and together, I octave)


(practice 15 -20 minutes a day)


Dear Carmen,

Continue to call the names of the notes as you play them, have your position ready.

Mary Had a Little Lamb

God is Good

My ist Waltz (by memory)


(practice 10 minutes a day)


Dear Ian,

Work on reviewing C position,


Little Things (Have your chords Left Hand ready, read from the base up)

G position – memorize the new notes and their location on keyboard

Moon Walk – say the names of the notes as you play them


(practice 15 minutes a day)


Dear Nathalia,

Keep reviewing C position songs

My New Key

Bravery at Sea

(have your fingers ready above the correct notes in F position, remember B flat!)


(practice 10 -15 minutes each day)