Warm up : scales G, D, A and E major, 1 octave , contrary and parallel motion, triads
By memory : Erie Canal – sounds great!
Sword dance – changes in the second half / RH (melody) 1 octave transposition
Review : On the bridge at Avignon
(practice time : 15 minutes a day)
Warm up : C and G major scales and triads, HS/HT
Review : Dance with Frankenstein
Famous people – have your position ready (C major)
By memory : Alley cats choir – sounds great!
(practice time : 10 minutes a day)
Warm up : Scales C, G ,D, A and E major, HS/HT
Review : Spanish Caballero – arpeggios evenly, make sure to overlap the pedal, middle section have the LH chords ready
(practice time : 15 minutes a day)
Warm up : C, G, D major scales and triads
Review : Dance of the Irish – sounds great! (you can slow down while turning the page)
(practice time : 15 minutes a day)
Warm up: scales C, G, D and A major, parallel and contrary motion, HT
Review : All I have to do is dream – try slower tempo,
Howl to the moon – sounds great!
In progress : Olympic procession – add pedal, have LH chords and bass notes ready
(practice time : 20 minutes a day)