Hi everyone,
Here’s the homework for this week!
- Work on tone/sound (getting one out of the clarinet haha) this week. Do register slurs as a warm-up to help with memorization of the notes in the upper register.
- Keep working on fingerings and note names in both registers.
- Continue to work on C, F, G major scales with arpeggios and thirds. Focus mainly on the thirds this week.
- Start where you left off with the Rubank book; aim for a nice even sound and no blips between the notes.
- Work on the chromatic scale this week. Start with low Bb and try to go up to a high D (the new one that we were working on)
- Keep working on major scales; focus on Bb major and arpeggio
- Work on the exercises from the handout I gave you today. Try to read through the first page or so. Use a metronome and remember not to rush.
- Book: Rubank Intermediate Method for Saxophone. Please get this :)
- Memorize the fingerings and note names we talked about today. This is the most important – spend the most time on this.
- Take two notes at a time and go between them (e.g. E to Eb, A to Bb, etc)
Good luck with the practicing, see you guys next week.