Dear Tai,
Fur Elise – work on the “E – octaves” to bring it to tempo (even eighth notes flow)
Sunburst waltz – good dynamics! (just play for fun :))
Pagoda in purple mist – listen for a changing harmony, keep the pedal throughout the entire piece
The dragon hunt – LH legato – staccato contrast
The time machine – keep pulse steady – while switching positions (LH chords)
scales : C, D, E, F, G, A, B
(practice 20 minutes a day)
Dear Carmen,
Row row row your boat – count your beats (1-2-3)
Hush little baby – try to keep your eyes on the book, it will help you not loose your position,also call the notes as you play them
(practice 10 minutes a day)
Dear Ian,
Keep reviewing pages 4-19
Try pages 20 and 21 (also C position)
(good job on chords (LH) and playing hands together!)
(practice 10 -15 minutes a day)
Dear Nathalia,
Songs in C position:
March on
Roaring lions
Sleepy John
Run mouse run
(starting new postilion next week! :))
(practice 10 -15 minutes a day)