Come Down sounds great! Focus on the rhythm this week. Play along to the song at 75% speed and occasionally see where you are at with the original speed. It will come with time. Keep working on the major, minor and blues scales. Move them around the fretboard! Additionally keep working on the Snake. The focus should be on a steady rhythm, even tone and keeping your fingers down as we discussed. Work on those bar chord shapes we went over as well. We will continue with those next time. Great work!
Purple Haze and Island In The Sun sound great! Play along to the tunes! Great work on Are You Gonna Be My Girl. This tune has a lot of great vocabulary for this genre and era. Listen to the tune to get the structure down, and try to play along to it. Nice job on Song 2 also! The take away from this one is that new chord shape we learned. Bring a tune you want to learn next time! Great work!
Lullaby of Birdland is sounding great. Your focus with this tune now should be phrasing and articulation. Listen to a couple vocal versions, and find one you like. Play along with the head and try to match the phrasing. Great work on But Not For Me! Practice the intro, head and solo transcription. This is a really tough piece but you are doing great with it. Listen to this tune, and try to sing through the different sections. Learning to sing the solo would be a great tool for you. Great work!
Nice work on Let It Snow! This is an advanced piece but you are doing great with it! Keep practicing it. Work on the intro to Alta this week. This tune introduces new ideas for us, like playing melodies (extensions) over chords. This is a really big step to take! Also work on the finger picking. Mainly focus on the 1324 pattern, as this one is a really good place to start from. Try out the other pattern but do not stress over it. It is something we will work towards. Great job!