*A reminder for Kendra to start with VIBRATO EXERCISES next week*
G minor Harmonic
- Don’t forget those fsharps
- extension looks great
- working towards not having to stop for the shift
- increase tempo for 4 per bow
D major
- remember descending shifts not to release the hand completely from the string/cello
- open hang, slide along the string, anticipate with the left arm height. Left elbow not too low
- practice isolating and repeating shifts back and forth
- start from the top octave of scale and descend before ascending for practice
Pachyderm Parade
- Forte!
- left arm up for lower strings
- increase tempo
- a little bit more bow with a slightly faster bow speed
- analyze how much pressure/weight you need to actually push the string down. Then graduallyadd more weight until the string goes down with extended position. I have a suspiscion you are pressing/squeezing
- make sure 2 3 also go down with 4
- don’t try to play 4th finger on it’s own
- don’t extend too early
- try to extend with more just hand with arm supporting instead of whole arm moving to accomodate the extension
Minuet No. 3
- start working with the metronome to increase the tempo: work around 70-75. You can start slower if needed. in 3/4
- focus on the extension: reach sooner for 1st finger since it happens right after 4th finger (E). Work on extending without effecting your 2nd finger placement (D on A string)
- 1st ending second half: coordinate shift with string crossing so you don’t need to add any space
Start listening to Chorus of Judas and we will start next week together