D major 2 octaves
- make sure the elbow is leading the way for the string crossings
- D drone
- keep arm higher for Fsharp on the C string
- move thumb for extension
- point left arm forward on lower string for extension
G major 2 octaves
- 4th position: fsharp closer to G
- make sure fingers nice and tall after shift
- keep the shoulds square, don’t point the arm back
- get the arm up sooner so you have more time to get the weight out of the string
- smooth as possible with the bow
- leave sooner with the left arm for ascending and descending shift
- practice starting with just shift
- don’t squeeze with the left hand
- when doing the large motion, you should be leading with the entire arm moving as a unit, not leading with the hand
- A: look at the saddle. It’s higher than you think
- bow straight
- practice without vib first, think/say note names
- when adding vibrato, it should be continuous, try not to stop the motion
- practice in front of a mirror, watch the left arm
Toy Soldier
- practice at a tempo that you can play the whole study
- slower bow speed, flatter hair
- start up bow
- move bow a bit closer to the bridge
- sink into sring with bow a little more
- plucking first
- pay attention to key signature and accidentals
- left arm up for the lower strings and extensions
- D drone
- focus on extensions and shifts
May time: remind me to do pieces before studies next week
- slurred string crossings need ot be smoother
- try not to crescendo on the up bows where it isn’t marked. maintain bow speed.
- arm goes up before note changes
- make sure to turn the corner on the A string
Start plucking minuet No. 1.