Slurred String Crossings

  • anticipate the crossings with the elbow so that the new string speaks right away
  • same thing descending, but try to make the string transitions smoother, and more gradual

D major

  • when doing 4 notes per bow, make sure each note gets an equal amount of the bow
  • still using the whole bow (all the way to the tip)
  • extending too far on descending

G major 2 octaves

  • in fourth position, thumb is in the saddle. Fingers are closer together
  • repeat the shift to 4th position while plucking and when adding the bow. Ascending and descending.
  • keep left hand fingers rounded in 4th position
  • practice with G drone


  • 3rd position sounding much better!
  • lower second: shifting too far in both directions in general
  • Still practice lower 2nd, 2nd, and 3rd position shifting separately
  • Add in the 4321 shifting exercise: plucking first. Go to 3rd, then 2nd then lower second position
  • always thinking about the shifting motion: arm not just hand.

Elephant Waltz

  • left arm up! When in higher positions on the lower strings, think of pointing the left elbow forward. This will help you reach with the fourth finger while still keeping it rounded.
  • practice with C and G drones
  • careful with half notes and rest: count (was too short)
  • when adding the bow stay in the lower half
  • make a forte sound, keep a good bow angle across all strings.

Minuet in C

  • exaggerate your dynamics: so much so that i can tell over zoom!
  • smoother articulation in second half
  • listening will help you with memorization
  • left arm up for fourth finger on lower string
  • practice singing and playing at the same time