Keep working on Eye of the Tiger, it sounds awesome. Remember for that intro to start slow and build up in speed. The accent on the downbeat is also crucial for not getting lost. Keep working on getting an even rhythm and tone on all the notes. Keep practicing that new way to play the chords I showed you. It is hard now but will make the song much easier and smoother in the long run (they are also very useful shapes to know). Great work!
Keep practicing Waving Flag, it sounds great! Practice You are My Sunshine this week. Remember to sing along with it when you play so you know where you are. Every syllable you sing has a note to play on the ukelele. Next week we will do the chords for this song. Nice job!
Nice work on Bad Guy! Try to play it without the paper this week. Practice what we did of Run and Wake Me Up this week. Next week we will continue to work on these tunes and try to play the full chord shapes. Please get a tuner this week if you can (free app on phone or tablet called “guitar tuna” also works). Nice job!
Sweater Song sounds great! Play along to the song this week. Nice work on Here Comes the Sun. I know it is really hard but stick with it, it is a good one to know. If the chord melody is too hard, play the intro with single notes, and the chords lower down. Next time, we will learn the bridge of the song. Also, keep practicing Purple Haze and Hey Joe. Great job!
Nice work on Au Privave! I know its hard but you’re doing great. Try to speed it up this week. Every time you play it, it should be played with the proper fingerings and positions we went over. Practice Lullaby of Birdland this week. Again, playing in positions will help immensely with this tune. Have a listen to the Ella Fitzgerald version this week. It will help a lot with memorization and phrasing. Learning the words to a vocal tune helps greatly with understanding and remembering the melody. Great work!
Dark Horse sounds great! Keep playing the melody along with the song. Singing along with it will help a lot too. Practice the chords to Last Friday Night this week. Also practice the chords and the melody (the parts we did) of Firework. That melody will make more sense when you sing and play it together, in terms of the slurs and phrasing. Great work!