Hello everyone! Great job this week. Keep up the good work!
-keep working on the songs from your book, as well as one (or both) of the sheets I sent you
-I will upload videos of me playing them ASAP, (likely Sunday), and when I do so, I’ll drop them in this shared folder. From now on, that’s where I’ll be putting any of the stuff for you, and it should hopefully always be accessible; let me know next Wednesday if you had any troubles accessing any of it
-missed you this week! Keep up the great work on your pieces from before, (or you can even go ahead in the book if you’re up for it!)
-G’s in the BAG: practice finding your hand position and playing; try to keep your eyes on the page so you don’t lose your place
-try out some of these note naming worksheets as well! You don’t have to do the whole sheet yet (though you can if you want!), but try to start a bit of each one
Treble Clef: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ijAdUj_LSROr5W8raFSraskais3HGZbJ?usp=sharing
Here is a link to the bass clef (sorry, it wouldn’t let me download both): https://makingmusicfun.net/htm/f_printit_free_printable_worksheets/color-that-note-bass-clef-c-position-worksheet.php
-Hey Mr Half Note Dot: practice this, remembering to count 3 beats for the dotted half note. Also make note of the hand position! LH thumb starts on bass C and then you play descending keys. RH begins on middle C.
-CDEFG March: keep practicing this one, taking note of the hand position shown on the page (different than Mr Half Note).
-Part of Your World: practicing singing the whole song along with this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lOqRLR3Oug
Here is a copy of the sheet music. Download it and print it out and then we can start talking about how to read it next week! For now, see if you can use it to follow along with the lyrics.
-Sherlock Holmes: hands together first 2 systems, hands separately for the rest (or together if you’re up for it! But no pressure!)
-Minuetto: awesome progress on this one, keep up the practicing
-Arietta: make sure you feel the quarter beats in this one (1, 2-and; 1, 2-and — quarter, then two eighths)
Excellent work, everyone! See you next week!