Hi everyone! Nice work this week. :) Homework suggestions follow:


Recommended practice time is 15mins for 5 days.
-breath support exercise: fill in through the rib cage and hiss out, trying to last as long as you can
-A la nanita: drill the tricky melodic sections; work on the Spanish for the 2nd verse; imagine keeping all of the notes (especially those that pop up or shoot down suddenly) on the “same plane”
-Please remember the workbook and a copy of your song for next week! :)


Recommended practice time is 15mins for 5 days.
-D major pentascale in RH or LH
-Make sure to bring your books next time!
-Practice naming notes as you play them–for example, you could take your Aladdin song and practice naming the notes on the sheet and then finding them on the keyboard
-Can you get a notebook for me to write down homework/notes in? The best type to get is called a dictation book! (it has blank staff paper on one side and regular lined paper on the other)



Recommended practice time is 5-10mins for 5 days.
-Rudolph: you can start trying it hands together! If this is too much, working on it hands separately is totally fine!
-Hickory Dickory: keep up the practicing!
-Can you get a notebook for me to write down homework/notes in? The best type to get is called a dictation book! (it has blank staff paper on one side and regular lined paper on the other)



Recommended practice time is 5-10mins for 5 days.
-Buzzing Bees: work on learning all the words this week and practicing your buzzing bee sound high and low
-See if you can make up your own song on the piano using the 5 notes you know now: ABCDE. Can you memorize it and show Ms Katie next week?
-Pick a few new songs you’d like to sing! (Disney? Folk song? Anything!) And from there I will figure out the one in the best range for you and bring that in the following week

See you all next week! :)