Super job this week to all! Everyone is making great progress, which is so awesome to see. I hope you all feel the same! :)
Try to keep up regular practice, if at all possible during this hectic time. Aiming for around 4 days in the week is great, even just 10-15 minutes a day. Here are the homework suggestions:
-for your own composition, try writing down the notes on staff paper
-Hickory Dickory — keep up the practicing of the full song till it feels easier and smoother to play
-Keyboard Magic — practice this one also till it feels easier to play, and watch out for the skips (space to space or line to line) vs the steps (space to line, or line to space)
-continue with the same exercises from last week (“wee” and “gah” sound on Exercise 11 from the blue book), and the “That’s Mine”
-Make you feel my love — it’s okay to drop out/get softer on some of the lower notes; work on belting it out on the chorus, but remembering to keep a healthy space in the vocal tract and use breath support
-keep up the practice on My Funny Valentine
-start working on the bass line (left hand) of Feelin Good. We just covered the first 4 bars–are you able to figure out the notes all the way up to the first repeat sign? The same rhythmic pattern continues. Write in the note names that you figure out!
-G major scale and triads hands together
-try to start each practice session with a warmup (this could be stretching, sirens and sighs, or the bumblebee exercise, or even some simple humming!)
-What’s My Name: take a look at the lyrics for the rest of the song and practice singing along to the track
-Castle on the Cloud: take a look at the lyrics for this one too. Feel free to print out lyrics for either song, no need to memorize them yet! (Unless you want to!)
See you next week!