About Ben McCarroll-Butler

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So far Ben McCarroll-Butler has created 38 blog entries.

Homework for the week of October 16th

Ryan Handout: Overtone warmup v2 work on strengthening LH pinky finger - G# trill B diminished 7 arpeggio F harmonic minor, full range. Build to 120 bpm this week. F minor diatonic arpeggio pattern, ascending. Continue Jubilant overture: work on 16th - note passages at 90 bpm. Alex I forgot to take a photo of your homework sheet this week. [...]

2018-10-16T22:30:41-04:00October 16th, 2018|

Mid-week Homework Reminder: Week of Oct 9th

Ryan Overtone warmup (handout). pg. 38 Voxman book up to 5th line. Work at 130 bpm t the eighth note. Aim for air releases for staccato notes. F harmonic minor - handout (80 bpm +) isolate Db-F-Db in high register, getting that note switch under your fingers before adding a metronome. C# diminished 7 arpeggio (handout) Alex Great work this [...]

2018-10-13T19:15:52-04:00October 13th, 2018|

Mid-week Homework Reminder: Week of Oct 2nd

I hope you've had a lovely few days and are ramping up for a great long weekend. I've had a rich and rewarding time; I played a solo show of my music and improvisations on alto sax and clarinet at the Burdock last night, opening for the EP release of my good friend and collaborator, vocalist Laura Swankey. You can [...]

2018-10-05T15:32:35-04:00October 5th, 2018|

Homework for the week of September 25th

Ryan Continue E major and C# minor from Voxman book (pg. 64). Work up to 110 bpm. Jubilant Overture: notes on music. Alex Good work today! This week make sure to practice with the 'v' embouchure: don't take too much lip in your mouth, and make sure to rest your top teeth gently on the mouthpiece. G major scale, descending [...]

2018-09-26T10:29:19-04:00September 26th, 2018|

Homework for the Week of July 3rd

It was wonderful working with you all this week! Good work. See you in two weeks. Susan Practice all major modes and their 7th arpeggios transposed to C. Practice along to a metronome at a reasonable tempo and work up. Continue Galper #26 Work on Galper #27, #28. Jonathan continue Eb and A major scales along to the metronome at [...]

2018-07-03T17:55:12-04:00July 3rd, 2018|

Homework for the Week of May 29

Ryan Good work this lesson! Warm up using this material: #1. Low register fade-in longtones (F, Eb, D, C, Bb). Remember that the goal of this exercise is to create a gradual fade-in from a whispertone to a full, deep tone using an open throat (like yawning). Practices that maximize the vibration of the reed will help out: taking more [...]

2018-05-29T19:43:54-04:00May 29th, 2018|

Mid-week Homework Reminder

Ryan I hope your MusicFest performance went well! Now that that's over, let's take a look at some material for next week: #1. Continue deep breathing warmup, and fade in longtones with a tuner. start in middle register, then work up and down. Each note should take a whole breath. focus on the low register this week, aiming to get [...]

2018-05-19T23:06:17-04:00May 19th, 2018|

Homework for the Week of May 1st

Ryan Warmup: #1. Continue deep breathing exercise, and fade in longtones with a tuner. start in middle register, then work up and down. Each note should take a whole breath. focus on the low register this week, aiming to get the whisper tone the same octave as the note you're fingering.   Technique: #2. Continue F# minor scale in thirds [...]

2018-05-03T09:37:07-04:00May 3rd, 2018|

Mid-Break Homework Reminder

Ryan Check out the recital details here. It's taking place on April 29th! More details and registration are available on the linked page. It would be great to have you perform if you are available. Warmup: #1. Continue deep breathing. This is an exercise that won't always translate directly to performance (We often don't have this long to breathe in a [...]

2018-04-12T11:15:52-04:00April 12th, 2018|

Homework Post for the Week of March 27th

Ryan Let's get your tone back this week! It looks like a lot of work this week, but don't be discouraged; we've got a lot on the go and I've copied some notes from previous weeks regarding our repertoire. Warmup: #1. Start with some deep breathing. This is an exercise that won't always translate directly to performance (We often don't [...]

2018-03-29T18:43:53-04:00March 29th, 2018|
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