

  1. Overtone warmup v2
  2. work on strengthening LH pinky finger – G# trill
  3. B diminished 7 arpeggio
  4. F harmonic minor, full range. Build to 120 bpm this week.
  5. F minor diatonic arpeggio pattern, ascending.
  6. Continue Jubilant overture: work on 16th – note passages at 90 bpm.


I forgot to take a photo of your homework sheet this week. My mistake! What I can tell you is: keep on playing with big, deep breaths and keep an ear out for your tonguing – make sure you’re using the tip of your tongue against the tip of the reed and separating the notes with minimal space between them. Have a lovely week and we’ll take a look at your homework from the Galper book next week. If you progress through the first line of #21 quickly, try a crack at the rest of the piece and see how for you can go.


  1. Tone matching warmup – big breaths, and remember our conversation about tongue position and voicing.
  2. Eb major scale, full range. Work from 50 bpm to 70 bpm with the metronome.
  3. Practice all Blues arpeggios (G7, C7, D7) two octaves along to metronome at 100bpm.
  4. Try playing along to Sonnymoon for Two recording, using the arpeggios and blues scale to improvise. What are the soloists on the recording doing when they play? See if you can identify their uses of arpeggios and the blues scale.
  5. Lesson 27 #1 from book.
    • Make sure to tongue beginnings of note groups with the tip of the tongue and slur the rest.
    • practice along to metronome at around 60 bpm. Build towards 80 as it gets easier to play.


  1. Continue descending C major longtones. Remember: double-check reed placement and have a bit of lip in the mouth as you play to control and extend your sound. Take the deepest breaths you can, and remember: a deep breath extends into your belly as your diaphragm muscle relaxes – if your shoulders start rising that’s only muscle tension!
  2. Learn Havana: make sure to tongue repeated notes with the tip of the tongue and slur where marked.
  3. Elementary Method: once it comes in the mail, try playing through the first two lessons.
  4. Note-naming exercise.


This week, make sure to play with deep belly breaths, tongue with the tip of your tongue and play slurs as written.

  1. Galper #4, 5 and 6.
  2. Chromatic scale, from low G to mid G. Practice slowly, focussing on good sound and clean note transitions. Once all the notes are familiar, put a metronome on at 80-100 bpm and try playing along to the click.
  3. Can you organize to have the music to O Canada from class for our lesson next week? I’d like to look at it together. Remember your highest note is Bb (B flat): it’s like an A, but with your LH thumb playing the top key.