Hero and The Resistance are sounding great! Keep working on our method for finding and playing bar chords. This is an amazing skill to have! Nice work on Sweet Child of Mine! Keep up your practice on the riff, and incorporate the parts we learned today. Focus your attention on your right hand this week when practicing the chords. Remember: your right hand should keep moving and the strumming pattern is merely choosing when to hit the strings. Great work!
Should I Stay or Should I Go sounds awesome! Practice the double time section this week. Remember: it is the same chords and structure as the intro. Focus on your right hand and strumming pattern when doing this! Nice work on Brand New Cadillac! This is a great song to know as it will familiarize us with some blues patterns! Nice work!
Cake By the Ocean is sounding good! Keep working on the rhythm of the riff. Listen to the song if you need a reminder! Remember: cross picking and playing in position will be required to get this tune up to speed. This is something we will work towards! Focus your attention on the chords this week. Practice the transitions between chords especially. Great work!
Nice work on Hey Jude! Keep up the practice on it! I know the chord shapes are tough but practicing the transitions will be hugely helpful for speed and articulation. You are doing a great job in finding and remembering all the chord shapes! Nice work on Here Comes the Sun! Focus on the strumming pattern especially this week. It is a great pattern to know. Listen to the tune for a refresher. Great work!
Nice work on Seven Nation Army and Back In Black! They sound great! Remember to play in position as much as possible (using different fingers for each note). Work on Twist and Shout and Let It Be this week. Focus on the transitions between chords by repeating difficult transitions. Also, practice that F chord as much as possible! I know it is really hard but it is an amazing thing to work towards (bar chords). Nice work!