Dear Carmen,
Warm up – C major scale, C major triads
1 2 3 – A B C (French Lullaby) – sounds beautiful! (stick to your transposition pattern)
– have both hands ready in the correct position before you start
– count your beat
(try to practise at least 10 mins a day)
Dear Ian,
Warm up – C, G, D major, A minor – scales and triads
Prelude in A minor – by memory
– watch left hand for changing positions
(E major chord – left hand 5th finger on G sharp)
Forest Drumms – sounds great! – make sure to start in the right tempo (not too fast) so you can keep the beat
Kites in the sky – find your position (both hands) before starting
– add pedal
(try to practise 15 mins a day)
Dear Nathalia,
Warm up – C , G, F major scale and triads
Rock Group – make sure to have both hands ready before you start playing
– watch for the left hand changing positions
Space Walk – add pedal
– watch for the whole tone scale in the last line (C D E F sharp G sharp)
(try to practise 15 mins a day)
Dear Shayne,
Warm up – C, G , D major ; A minor -scales and triads
Blues in C – watch for the changing positions in the left hand
– keep steady tempo
Medieval fair – by memory
– practise each hand seperately, then try hands together (also RH and LH seperately by memory)
Forest Drums – D position (thumb on D)
– count your half rests
(try to practise 15 mins each day)
Dear Miles,
Warm up – C, G, D, major scales and triads
Shave and haircut – by memory
– keep your beat
Erie Canal – practise each hand seperately, try lines 1 & 2 hands together
Haunted Mouse – A minor position
– watch out for quorter rests
Arpeggios – starting on: C, D, E, F and G
(try to practise 15 mins each day)