Dear Carmen,

Great job playing Ode to Joy! you can add the middle part now (don’t start too fast so you can fit your eighth notes into the the pulse :))

Row row row your boat – count your beats on the dotted half note (1 – 2- 3)

(review pieces – say the names of the notes as you play them)

Try to practice 10 min a day.


Dear Nathalia,

You’re getting more comfortable with F position! Keep your fingers ready above the notes (F G A B flat C) so you don’t have to search for them :)

Bravery at sea (each hand separately, try hands together)

Sing, bird, sing (hands separately)

(memory song : Snowflake waltz)

Try to practice 10 min a day.


Dear Ian,

Nice legato playing!  :)

Keep  working on memorizing notes in C position (with focus on the left hand)

Work on the last few songs (last lesson) but also go back and see if you remember your other (earlier) pieces (they should feel easy and fun!)


Try to practice 10 min a day.


Dear Tai,

Great job memorizing The Dragon Hunt! (make sure to keep the same beat throughout the second page)

In my Red Convertible (careful changing LH positions, get ready ahead of time)

(keep reviewing your older pieces, with focus on steady beat and dynamics)

Scales: C, D, E, G, A ,B majors

A minor

Try to practice 15 – 20 min a day.