Amazing job on Blitzkrieg Bop! I can tell you put a lot of work into it and it paid off! Keep going with that tune, and keep playing along to the song. Playing along to songs is a great learning tool. Nice work on American Idiot today! You are getting really proficient with power chords, and it seems like you like them so we will continue with these kinds of songs. Practice both the chords and the solo. See if you can figure out the rest of the solo! (Hint: it is the vocal melody of the chorus so try to match the notes of the singing in the chorus section). Great work!
Nice work on Don’t Go Slow! You are starting to gain some independence between the guitar rhythm and vocal rhythm which is awesome. You have all you need to be able to play and sing the whole song now. Give it a try this week! Listen to the song if you get lost, it is a great tool! Nice work on Cake By The Ocean! This is a fun tune and I am excited to finish it next time. Practice the riff this week! Nice work!
Great work on Let It Be! Your bar chord vocabulary is really coming along! Keep working on our process for playing bar chords (Reminder: find the root note, ask yourself which string it is on, choose the appropriate shape and then line your first finger up with the root note). Nice work on Hey Jude! This is a great tune to know. Practice that 7 shape this week, it is a useful one to know. We will finish this one next time. Nice job!