Great work on Bad Moon Rising! Your right hand was looking really good today. I like that it was not waiting for your left hand to transition chords. Practice this tune slow this week and you will see what I mean. Keep making sure your right hand stays locked in the strumming pattern. Keep going with the exercise for chords transitions additionally. It is really coming together. Nice work on Proud Mary today. Practice this tune with the same method as Bad Moon Rising. Nice work on Let It Be also! We will do the vocal melody next time. Great work!
Wildest dreams is sounding great. We finished the vocal melody today so now you have the full song! Try to play it all the way through! Keep practicing the chords also. I know they are tricky but they are great to know. Practice playing the song both ways this week: with the chords as well as the melody. Nice work!
Great work on Hey Jude today! This one has a lot going on but it is a great tune to know. Keep working on the chords, as well as the chord transitions. If one transition feels really hard, repeat it a bunch of times before playing the full progression. The melody is sounding awesome. Listen to the song, and try to play along with it. Trying to match vocal parts forces us to play more melodically. We will talk about a couple tricks to push us further in this direction. Great work!
Warm Chris is sounding so good! This is a very advanced song but you are doing great with it. We will continue with fingerpicking as you seem to enjoy it! Check out “Continental Breakfast” by Courtney Barnett. Great job with Girl On Fire! Practice both the chords and the melody this week. This is a very melodic tune so this song was a great choice. Also practice those new chord shapes we worked on: A shape with one finger, and our new C bar chord shape. Great work!